Saturday, January 30, 2010


I cannot express enough how much music is a huge part of my life. I have such a wide range of types and all comes in handy according to the day I'm having. When I workout at the gym, I ALWAYS have my Ipod on me. The songs, especially the high paced, guitar singles are the best for running and lifting weights. I have gone through 5 Ipods in the last three years only because music helps me get through my workout. I will not go to the gym without my Ipod.
Heavy Metal music is perfect if you are mad and had a bad day. Just blast on a heavy metal song and rock out to it. Relieves all your stress.
Pop/alternative is wonderful if you have had a great day and are just happy. Gets you in a great mood and lifts you spirits even higher.

There are songs out there that one can relate to. They have such awesome meanings that it becomes one of our favorite hits. Music becomes such a huge part of your life, at least mine. If there is one day where I do not listen to music, my day is done for. I will have failed at life that day! There are songs that get you in a great mood now matter how down you are. The point/lesson for today: Music will always be here and there a different types to fit everyone's needs. Music is my life and could not function without it. So blast your favorite tunes and sing as loud as you must! You will feel so much better ;)

Friday, January 29, 2010

Friday Ride-Day!

I finally went out riding today. Only a small, 10 mile loop but still it was epic!
Here is the starting point. As you see, my car has a flat back space where i just toss in my bike and go!

My bike up close and my awesome helmet!
I love being outdoors and today's ride made me so happy. I can see the scenery up close and personal all while on two wheels!

I tried to master the art of riding and taking a photo at the same time..Worked out sort of! haha
Today was awesome to ride. The weather was perfect and everyone such as walkers and other cyclists waved as we went by each other. Tomorrow will be my next adventure on the bike!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Tattle Telling

Since I work with kids, I see tattling everyday and I'm almost use to it. I tell the kids, "worry about yourself. Tattling does not make friends." They never tattle again. Never would I have thought that I would see tattling in college. My best friend and I were in math class, sharing a book and talking softly about the homework. I guess two people in front of us did not like it so you know what they did? During the break, they told on us to the teacher saying how rude and loud we were being. My math professor, an ancient old man is obviously old-school and told my friend and I to separate. REALLY?! These were two 20+ year old students who told on us. I could not believe it. College is really starting to piss me off now. The two students could have told us to pipe down and of course we would have listened to them. Now they lost all my respect to them and I won't forget this!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


My Best friends grandpa died on Monday and I knew it took a toll on him even though he did not show it. Him and I skipped school yesterday, him to be with family and I, well I just did not want to go without him! Anyways I have yet to experience a death in my family and friends. I was wrong. My mom's best friend passed away in 2006 and that took a toll on me. She was an amazing person, always smiling and always putting herself before others. Cancer took her away from this world :(
I sit here and wonder what death is like be it by accident or on purpose. Everyday people die from diseases or injuries. They leave behind others forever.
We all have to be careful and take caution when we are out in this world. Be healthy and always be aware of your surroundings. You never know, you could be the healthiest person in the world and all of a sudden your a dead man because a car hit you. We never know when our time will come that is why we must always live life to it's fullest and live each day like it is our last. This goes out to all of you who have lost someone close to you. Rest assured that they are in a better place, free of worry and pain.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Pretty Much

Yesterday was such a chill day at home. I did nothing but homework, sleep, and play video games! So I got too lazy and didn't post a blog. Sorry to those who actually read!
Well today was alright. Tired but I'm hanging in there. Riding my bike this weekend for sure! Hopefully the weather is nice out!! Well there is really not much to say tonight other than I need to put more pictures pertaining to my posts!!!
Maybe then it will keep you guys interested!

Saturday, January 23, 2010


When the weather is cold, I like to take a break from riding outside until it warms up again! I'm a wuss when it comes to being cold. Normally at the gym, I spin on one of the bikes at my own pace with nobody telling me what to do. So this morning I decided to take a spin class. I figured why not? BOY I WAS DYING! You see when I go for rides, I go alone sadly haha but I have no one to keep up with or no one to give me motivation. I do pretty well up hills and inclines and keep a pace of about 14-15 mph on the flats. Spinning kicked my ass! I know it is way different so I'm glad I got to experience it for the first time. Later I will be sore and tired!
I have been cycling now for almost eight months, still a newb so when the cold weather comes, I stay away from the outdoor riding. I do not have the proper clothing for riding in cold weather! I will later on. As of now, I'm doing just fine switching up things. :D

Friday, January 22, 2010


I walked into my garage this morning and saw my bikes just sitting off to the side.

First is my MTN bike. I have had this thing for a year now and I know it is of some cheap brand, but hey it does it's job of handling the trails and riding to the store and back. I went to go examine this one and dust gathered everywhere on it! The tires needed air as well.

Next is my road bike.

Sure this cheap thing I got at a garage sale for 20 bucks but it has been a trooper for the last 6 months I have had it. Within the first two week of January, I logged in at 160 miles in total. I'd like to think that is pretty good for a newb like me!
Anyways this one still had air in the tires and no dust.

So as I took these pictures this morning, I saw the lifeless bikes stare at me in a gloomy way. HA I have not been out on the road for the past two weeks and feel bad for not taking them out. I guess when you have a deep love for something such as cycling, it pains one to leave their bicycles in one place for more than a couple days! The first week school started up and I was busy as hell. This week it rained every single day and as much as I love the rain, I'm really starting to get sick of it. So I have been hitting the gym but it is still not the same :(
As soon as the weather clears and gets a tiny bit warmer, like a bat out of hell, ill be out on the roads again!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Craziness In My Head!

I'm out of school for the week yay! I have a three day weekend to do homework and go out with my friends. I have decided today in my math class that college is no help whatsoever. I attend a junior college to get me general education finished. Let me say it is exactly like high school all over again except with twenty-million people and teachers who really don't give a rats ass if you show up or not. I have been at Moorpark College for a year and a half now and sorry to say that I utterly hate it. I have had a select few of teachers who have been epic but more have been failures. They cannot teach to save their lives, never showed up, or always talked in the same monotone of voice. Not to mention the administration is no help. The people in the office are incredibly rude, except the student workers which are nice. I'm talking about the old people who don't care and just work for their checks. The financial aid office took away my help because my family makes too much money. WTF? You think 80,000 bucks for a family of five is too much? Get real, when almost 3/4 of that is for bills every year. Not to mention the cost of tuition and books as I have mentioned earlier.
So now I see why so many people either drop out of college or go back when they are older. It is just to damn expensive especially when a family (like mine) has twins that are in college. The schools offer help, don't get me wrong but they only offer it to those who are dirt poor. What about the middle class? We don't get any assistance? I'm starting to think college is a waste of life and money. Although I will stick with it to have a "good job." Next semester I will have to take out student loans, for a junior college! I did not want to do this until I transferred to a University. Now this seg-ways into my next topic....MY Goals and Career plans.
I have decided that I would like to be a teacher. At first I was skeptical because the education system is crap and teachers were getting laid off left and right. Also the pay is mediocre. As mentioned earlier I work at a Child Care and I love my job 100%. No I' am not gay but I love working with kids and learn something new everyday. I decided I want a career that I will enjoy and the pay is O.K. Hopefully by then the education system will be at it's best. So I have decided that I would like to teach either second or third grade and hopefully after a while, I'd like to be principal of an elementary school. In order to accomplish this I must get through college and pay a million dollars for tutiton, books, and other things that go along with college. There you have it my friends, the craziness in my head for today.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Rain (Cont.)

Right now at this exact moment I am on the computer typing this.
At the same time I have my sliding glass door opened with the screen closed and it is raining like a mother! Plus it is super windy and this whole weather makes me super sleepy. I have not been able to ride for almost a week. First off I started school and secondly this weekend has been rainy. I'm getting withdrawals!
Soon I'll be out on the roads again. Just my bike and I.
As of now I have something else to worry about....TEXTBOOKS!
My best friend and I are in classes together and we're both poor!
Well ok we're not but our Math book cost $140.00!!!
Our Spanish book is $80.00 and our Child Development book is $100.00!
We are in college and NOT MADE OF MONEY! Tuition in itself was a nightmare.
Anyways we're getting there. We'll have to share and split the costs!
The rain is still pouring buckets and it is making me very tired!
Really in all honesty, I did not really have much to say today.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Disneyland and Rain

I did not post yesterday on the 17th of January.
Why?? Because I was at Disneyland! IT was an awesome time with my best friends. There were a shit load of people but we managed to get on everything. The longest we waited was probably 20 minutes. We got fast passes for Indiana Jones and Space Mountain. At 4:00pm it started raining and we were not prepared for it. We(group of four all together)only had light jackets on so we bought umbrellas and ponchos. You would think that people would leave early especially with little kids but everyone stayed through the rain and continued to have fun. Disneyland plus rain equals my case!It was a day of happiness! Wow lame but all in all it was fun being there with the ones you can count on.
Now I am currently in my room attempting homework and keep getting sidetracked. It is raining so hard right now in Thousand Oaks/Newbury Park (where I live) in So.Cal. The wind is crazy as well but we need the rain and I LOVE this weather. I'll be back tomorrow with more from my wonderful, amazing life...NOT lol but I shall return with more from my mind tomorrow. As of now its back to reading and homework. Peace ;)

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Just Noticed Something Today

I was thinking and totally noticed how much of a little kid I am still
At age 19, almost 20, I act like a Friggin 8 year old. There is nothing wrong with that though. Me working with kids has definitely eliminated the shyness I used to have. I have to be silly and step out of my comfort zone in order to get the kid's attention. They range in age from 5 years old to 10 years old. After work is done I carry the same attitude when I go home, to school, and around my friends. Especially when I'm with my friends, I transform into an 8 year old boy who is full of energy and curiosity! Most people, as they age, they become lazy and cranky. Me, I feel like the more I age, the more I feel young! I wanna be active. My love for cycling is at an all time high and I set more goals for myself as I get older. I definitely want to complete a Century this year. I'm not old and definitely not a child, but there are certain times where it is O.K. to act like a spoiled kid. Even at 50 years old, I hope to be immature, wild, and fun. Now there is a time and place for it all! Not saying that you need to act this way 24/7 at age 50. Of course be mature, respectful, and wise. Now and then though, whether your with your family or friends definitely take the time to be a kid again! Play with Hot Wheels or Barbies! Run around at the park like your a 5 year old! Never lose the child within you.

Friday, January 15, 2010


So I woke up this morning quite nervous today. My issue was money.
Wow right? I should not be complaining but hey I have bills to pay and manage to come up short every month.
I get paid pretty well for someone my age. I get paid once a month at the end of the month. So what I do is pay for all my bills at the beginning of the month and then have the rest for whatever such as going out and gas for my car. We are in the middle of January and I feel like I have so many things to pay for still. All my bills are paid for but school keeps throwing more expenses my way. Plus I get to go to Disneyland this weekend so I need money for that! It is all about priorities though. You cant always have everything and I know that. Money can either be your best friend or your worst enemy. If you have enough for everything and then some, then money is you close pal, but if you are barely making enough to get by then money becomes your enemy and you get in trouble from places that you owe $$$ to. I will get by and I keep telling myself that everything will be O.k. I just hate waking up from a nice night of sleep worried that I may not have it. Hey I'm a college student, I'm not supposed to have money anyways!

Thursday, January 14, 2010


So as many of you have noticed ( idk how many of you actually read this) I did not post yesterday. Sleep finally caught up to me. After class yesterday I had 45 minutes to rest before work. Then work then a meeting right after. I was up for a total of 16 hours yesterday! I totally crashed in bed when I got home. Anyways now I'm a little bit better.
Now I'm home and the first week of class is done. It seems alright so far. I'm slowly getting used to waking up at the crack of dawn. I have homework to do over the weekend as well but no textbooks! You see when I lost my wallet it got ran over by a car and my debit card was cracked in half. Takes about a week to get and my bookstore on campus does not take checks! MADNESS! So I must wait. I'm way stoked for the weekend. Four days off with nothing but work just tomorrow and homework for the weekend. Definitely going to get a ride in there too. Have not touched my bike in over a week! GASP! So far this semester looks pretty great :)Not to mention the year too!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

School Part 2

So I had my other set of classes today. This time from 7:30am-11:15am.
Math is from 7:30am-9:45am and Human Development is from 10:00am-11:15am.
Overall my four classes seem good and I look forward to seeing what we will do in them.
My math class however is one I'm worried about. The professor is seriously from the prehistoric era and can barely talk. You see, math and old professors do not mesh well in my case. I horribly fail in math and need someone who wont put me to sleep. Luckily for me my best friend is in that class so we'll suffer together!

It's about 1:30pm right now here in California and I got out of school at 11:15am. Since my friends ad I carpool I had to take him home first, then I went home. As soon as I walked in I totally crashed and took a nap on the couch. An hour later I woke up way confused and now I'll be heading to work with kids. Getting up at 5:45am Monday-Thursdays will be so difficult for the next four months. I keep telling myself that its school and i cannot give up. As of now I'm just enjoying my days even though I'm rushing. Sometimes you gotta suck it up and take one for the team! Well its just me so suck it up and move on I should say!

Monday, January 11, 2010


First day back after Christmas vacation.
I had two classes today from 7:30am-12:15pm.
I'm an early bird so it wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be. My best friends are in all my classes with me so at least there wont be awkward silences. We even met new people too. Tomorrow its back to school again, this time from 7:30am-11:15am. I get to come home and nap before work!
This semester looks like it will be a good one. I'm looking forward to it but we'll see. The feeling will soon be shot down when I start getting homework. As of now I'm way tired so sleep might catch up to me sooner or later. I'm at a community college so its just the base to my career until I transfer to somewhere awesome!
Always stay in school no matter what. Once it's over, it will definitely pay off!

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Yesterday a small package came in the mail for me. It stated my name and where I lived. That was it. There was name of the person who sent it to me or where they were from. I thought to myself, I never ordered anything! I was scared to open it. What if it was a bomb? Or some kind of other sick joke? Well i decided to open it anyways and all that was in it was a paper and my WALLET!
The paper read " Chris, your wallet flew off your car on the 101 on ramp at Ventu Park." My wallet was definitely ruined and my debit card was cracked in half. My license was bent but it is still in tact. I felt so grateful that someone actually took the time and pull off the road and risk their lives to run into the middle of the street and pick my wallet up and pay the 2 bucks to have it mailed to me. The person obviously wanted to stay anonymous otherwise he/she would have left their contact info. I have good karma that means and I believe it! I have done a lot for others and I guess this is what i get in return. I'm really happy i have it back and wish I could thank the person. Point of this is to have good karma. Do awesome things without expecting anything in return and sooner or later something amazing will definitely happen to you. I will continue doing what I gotta do and I even want to give my time volunteering this year.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

From Fat to Fast

So I wake up this morning and decide to hit the gym today. Don't get me wrong though. I still love cycling. It's just that I need to gain more stamina and endurance. Running will help me do that along with weights. Definitely will go on a ride tomorrow!
Since I was in grade school, I have always been fat. By fat I mean a hot air balloon. Always the biggest in my class and among my friends. What can I say though? I LOVED food. The thought of exercise scared me and I would cry when my parents forced me to. I was a short fat kid all throughout elementary school and some middle school. Come 7th grade, I grew a few more inches and then played soccer 5 years before so I can say that helped me. Then when i entered high school, I started thinning out. I'm no way in shape though. I still have a stomach to lose, legs to strengthen, and arms to turn into guns, but I can run fast and pretty I'm flexible too. Let me add that after running a few minutes I gasp for air, but hey i push on. Cycling has also helped with endurance and stamina, I just need that extra push that running has. Let me say I still LOVE food and probably eat all the wrong things. But I'm no fat slob!

Side Note: I need more pictures!

Friday, January 8, 2010


Went to go get lunch for my sister and dad today. Before I left to Arby's (YUM) I went to go get gas at a chevron station because my best friend gave me a gift card there!
Anyways along the way to pay, i must have dropped my wallet and did not even realize. After i gassed up, I left and hopped on the freeway to get to where i needed to go.
I pulled into Arby's and noticed then that I did not have my wallet! FAIL I thought. I was so enraged I could have driven my car into a wall! No cash was in it but my debit card and drivers license were. Also a Jc Penny's gift card. Luckily for me I put a stop to be debit card and I will get a new license next week. Both my cards expire next month so maybe it's a sign??? who knows?
All I know is that only dumb asses lose their wallets. I' am a dumb ass. So for the next week or so I will be driving illegally! That means drive like a grandma.
My weekend is ruined now because all I will think about is how much of a dumb ass I' am!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

My Riding Adventures Thus Far

...Riding as in cycling. I started riding last year when I bought a cheap little mountain bike from a friend. It was way old and I rode it around for fun up and down the streets. I then was interested in this sport ever since. So I wanted a new road bike because the mountain bike was heavy and old too. Boy they were expensive and I am only in college still so I do not make enough money! One day though I drove by a house on a Saturday. They were having a garage sale and on their driveway was an amazing looking (at least to me) road bike. I turned around to check it out and I fell in love with it. The brand is unknown to me but I know it is a cheapy bike from walmart or Target. It needed new tubes and tires so I walked away with it for only 15 dollars! After some cleaning and changing the tires the bike looked epic!

So I was way happy that i was able to change the tubes and tires, adjust the shifters, and give the bike a nice cleaning. Now it was time to hit the road!
My free time is mainly on the weekends so that is when I do most of my riding. My rides consist of anywhere between 12-15 miles but I'm still learning and eventually would love to ride 50+ miles. I hesitate to go alone because if I am ever in an emergency, I would like to have someone there to help out. Anyways I bought a cheap little computer to see my speed and log miles and I have definitely improved.

Next was being comfortable on those rides. To be honest, the cycling apparel is quite revealing..LOL. I always thought the cycling shorts were ridiculous. So I went out riding with out them. BOY my first ride KILLED my ass. It hurt to sit on any surface and the pain did not go away until a week later. So I figured I'd invest in some shorts even though I was embarrassed. The first time I wore them, my ass was in heaven! After my normal ride, there was no pain and nothing sore at all. Time after time I wore them and now could care less of what others think of me when I wear them. As for my upper body, I have yet to buy a jersey. Too lazy I guess when I can use a T-shirt. I use my running shoes because my pedals have straps, and I found it pretty ridiculous that the lightweight helmets that all roadies wear cost almost 100 dollars! Plus they looked ridiculous on me so I bought myself a nice BMX helmet so I look cool while riding....haha totally joking but still the BMX helmet works and isn't too heavy. I gotta say my love for this sport grows daily. I appreciate other cyclists now and give them props for doing what they do. This year I hope to buy a brand new road bike and get new apparel...when I have the money that is! Also later on I would love to try out a race and do a century ride. As of now I'm doing it for fun and exercise and my cheap little garage sale bike is holding up and doing an amazing job. It is the simplest things in life that make me content!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Blessed, Lucky, Whatever

So me being a teenager still, I should be talking about stuff that teens do and what not. While i will be doing so, I would like to take the time to stop thinking of me and be grateful for all that I have. Shocker right? A teen being grateful?
Here goes my first thing. Family. I still live at home with my parents and sibling. They have done so much that i cannot even begin to describe what they do. They work so hard to make their children happy. They always place us before themselves!
Next are my friends. I have been through so much with friends having them back stab me all throughout high school. When the dust cleared there were a select few who showed they were true friends. Always stuck by my side no matter what. Even made some new ones too and they have proven to be excellent. It sucks when you place your full trust in your "friends" and they turn around and throw everything away. The people i have now are amazing and they are all i need.
Next is that I am in school. Although i dislike waking up early and sitting on my ass for 6 hours, I'm furthering my education and later on get a great job.
Work is next. I'm so blessed to work with kids and actually get paid for it too.
It's not even the money that makes me happy; the fact that I get to go hang with kids and help them become better people is encouragement enough for me.
Finally is for great health. I'm active, young, and enjoying every bit of life now.
I'm lucky, blessed, whatever you want to call it. A teen that is actually grateful for things in his life. Me.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Privilege of Driving.

Before I rant on how there are some pretty dumb drivers out there, I would like to take this time and say that there is no perfect driver. I'm not that great at it. I have had my license for 3 years only so I consider myself inexperienced. It's all about common sense right? WRONG. Though young, I'm pretty sure that i have more common sense when driving than some people out there.
Driving is a privilege which most of us need to get us to school, work, etc. It used to be that one could drive care free without their blood pressure sky rocketing because someone cut them off.
Now driving has become a chore, a living nightmare!
Today I took my brother to school at 7:30am. What usually takes 10 maybe 15 minutes took me 25 minutes today. There were so many cars out and so many dumb people!
My first rant is driving BELOW the speed limit. Come on people the sign says 45mph not 25 or 30. Also the fast lane on the freeway has turned into the slow lane for some odd reason.
Next is driving too fast. I'm one who goes a good 5-10 miles over the limit(No ticket or accidents yet *knocks on wood*) That is fast enough and then you have that one person who thinks they are entitled that rides your ass until they can get over just to cut you off.
Finally we come to my pet peeve when driving and that is NOT using your turn signals to turn. Seriously I will be waiting at a stop sign or light and the oncoming car looks as if they will continue straight ahead. Nope. They slow down and turn WITHOUT signaling. Seriously how lazy can you be? All it takes is to move your finger an inch away from the steering wheel to let others know your actions. If your so lazy that you cannot even do that then you must be lazy elsewhere too. That is so rude!

Driving now causes heart attacks. It raises your blood pressure like no other. We all despise those who drive and put others at risk. But lets face it, we all have made mistakes here and there when driving, I included. So take the time while driving listen to some music, talk to your kids. There is no rush to get to where you are going. Go at least the speed limit and ALWAYS use your turn signals, even if you are in a BMW or Mercedes. You guys in those cars are just regular people driving a car like me driving a Dodge Neon. Your cars are not anything special than my little Neon and they actually come with turn signals! So enjoy driving, be safe and respectable!

Monday, January 4, 2010

More Thoughts on Life

So today I was thinking a lot. That is a lame starter because everyone thinks, but today was different. This year(in March) I will be 20 years old. For those of you reading this you might be beyond 20 years of age and think so what?
Well first off my childhood has been gone for about 7 years now and now i can kiss my teenage years good bye. 20 years old is an adult but I'm still restricted like I cant legally drink, gamble, etc. I will have been on this earth for 20 years and I can definitely say that the more I age, the more I want to accomplish. I'm in school studying to be a speech pathologist. That's my goal as of now. I want to volunteer...another goal. Save money...Goal. Ride my bike more...Goal. Meet a girl and get married...Goal. Some of these are works in progress so I can say I'm on the right track. To me you got to keep yourself occupied and have certain goals for yourself, be it a 19 year old like me or a 50 year old. Everyone should set and try to achieve goals in order to be happy in life. Once you accomplish one thing, set another! There are so many things to try and achieve. That way you will be happy and never find yourself bored. Having a dull life can lead to all sorts of things such as depression. Your bored an all of a sudden you recall past events that were not so good. You get depressed. Having things to occupy you in life will keep your mind busy and only focusing on that task. Now I'm not saying that you should be busy 24/7! Of course take the time and relax every now and then! But everyone should have goals in order to live a better life. Good night!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Thoughts on 2010

Today I went for a bike ride at around 8am. I usually drive to the library nearby, park my car, and ride my bike from there. It was so windy by the time I got my bike out of my car and ready to roll. I was starting to have second thoughts but I remembered that there are those on the west coast who ride in snow! I figured that the wind wont be so bad and it turned out to be a great ride anyways. I only rode for 12 miles today due to it being so windy but it was fun and i enjoyed it. I'll have to figure out how to take pics and ride at the same time so i can post pics of my rides. While I was getting ready at the park for my ride, I noticed an older woman who pulled into the parking lot as well. She got out and started picking up trash around the grass and planters. I totally thought she was amazing, getting up so early to help keep the library clean. Wish there were more people like her.
Now I'm home thinking about this year and how I can make the most of it.
I have the best family and most amazing friends ever so I'm sure whatever I decide to do they will support me. Riding is one thing I want to get serious about and my health.
The next is to save money for emergencies. Lastly I want to meet new people, be it young or old. I love conversing with others and it makes me appreciate everyone's differences.
These are my goals for now that I wish to accomplish this year. I hope it works out!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

My First Post/Introduction!

Hello and happy new year!
I figured I'd start blogging and hopefully meet people from all over through this.
I'm 19 years old, almost 20 in March and I'm just a normal teenager living in a wonderful world. I currently reside in Southern California and attend a community college. I'm currently studying to be a speech pathologist for kids. I also work at an elementary school child care part time and love my job. Being around kids is an awesome experience and when exposed at an early age(for me i started this job at 17) you learn to have so much patience. I would not change it for the world.
I'm a pretty laid back person. I love to be with my friends and we always find something to do whether it is going to the movies or even filming our own movies. Family is also important to me and always find myself hanging with them too.
I love being very active and have a membership at a near by gym. I love to run especially with my i-pod in hand. Music is amazing to listen to while working out. I also have a new found love for cycling. In Feb. 2009, I started riding a bike and this time not just up and down my street. I went on rides for exercise and started logging miles in. I still call myself a beginner and my road bike I have is one bought at a garage sale. I'm currently saving for an awesome bike! Most of my posts will probably be about me riding but there will be other stuff too.
Well I think I covered the basics for now. Be back later!