Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Blessed, Lucky, Whatever

So me being a teenager still, I should be talking about stuff that teens do and what not. While i will be doing so, I would like to take the time to stop thinking of me and be grateful for all that I have. Shocker right? A teen being grateful?
Here goes my first thing. Family. I still live at home with my parents and sibling. They have done so much that i cannot even begin to describe what they do. They work so hard to make their children happy. They always place us before themselves!
Next are my friends. I have been through so much with friends having them back stab me all throughout high school. When the dust cleared there were a select few who showed they were true friends. Always stuck by my side no matter what. Even made some new ones too and they have proven to be excellent. It sucks when you place your full trust in your "friends" and they turn around and throw everything away. The people i have now are amazing and they are all i need.
Next is that I am in school. Although i dislike waking up early and sitting on my ass for 6 hours, I'm furthering my education and later on get a great job.
Work is next. I'm so blessed to work with kids and actually get paid for it too.
It's not even the money that makes me happy; the fact that I get to go hang with kids and help them become better people is encouragement enough for me.
Finally is for great health. I'm active, young, and enjoying every bit of life now.
I'm lucky, blessed, whatever you want to call it. A teen that is actually grateful for things in his life. Me.

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