Friday, January 15, 2010


So I woke up this morning quite nervous today. My issue was money.
Wow right? I should not be complaining but hey I have bills to pay and manage to come up short every month.
I get paid pretty well for someone my age. I get paid once a month at the end of the month. So what I do is pay for all my bills at the beginning of the month and then have the rest for whatever such as going out and gas for my car. We are in the middle of January and I feel like I have so many things to pay for still. All my bills are paid for but school keeps throwing more expenses my way. Plus I get to go to Disneyland this weekend so I need money for that! It is all about priorities though. You cant always have everything and I know that. Money can either be your best friend or your worst enemy. If you have enough for everything and then some, then money is you close pal, but if you are barely making enough to get by then money becomes your enemy and you get in trouble from places that you owe $$$ to. I will get by and I keep telling myself that everything will be O.k. I just hate waking up from a nice night of sleep worried that I may not have it. Hey I'm a college student, I'm not supposed to have money anyways!

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