Saturday, January 9, 2010

From Fat to Fast

So I wake up this morning and decide to hit the gym today. Don't get me wrong though. I still love cycling. It's just that I need to gain more stamina and endurance. Running will help me do that along with weights. Definitely will go on a ride tomorrow!
Since I was in grade school, I have always been fat. By fat I mean a hot air balloon. Always the biggest in my class and among my friends. What can I say though? I LOVED food. The thought of exercise scared me and I would cry when my parents forced me to. I was a short fat kid all throughout elementary school and some middle school. Come 7th grade, I grew a few more inches and then played soccer 5 years before so I can say that helped me. Then when i entered high school, I started thinning out. I'm no way in shape though. I still have a stomach to lose, legs to strengthen, and arms to turn into guns, but I can run fast and pretty I'm flexible too. Let me add that after running a few minutes I gasp for air, but hey i push on. Cycling has also helped with endurance and stamina, I just need that extra push that running has. Let me say I still LOVE food and probably eat all the wrong things. But I'm no fat slob!

Side Note: I need more pictures!

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