Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Privilege of Driving.

Before I rant on how there are some pretty dumb drivers out there, I would like to take this time and say that there is no perfect driver. I'm not that great at it. I have had my license for 3 years only so I consider myself inexperienced. It's all about common sense right? WRONG. Though young, I'm pretty sure that i have more common sense when driving than some people out there.
Driving is a privilege which most of us need to get us to school, work, etc. It used to be that one could drive care free without their blood pressure sky rocketing because someone cut them off.
Now driving has become a chore, a living nightmare!
Today I took my brother to school at 7:30am. What usually takes 10 maybe 15 minutes took me 25 minutes today. There were so many cars out and so many dumb people!
My first rant is driving BELOW the speed limit. Come on people the sign says 45mph not 25 or 30. Also the fast lane on the freeway has turned into the slow lane for some odd reason.
Next is driving too fast. I'm one who goes a good 5-10 miles over the limit(No ticket or accidents yet *knocks on wood*) That is fast enough and then you have that one person who thinks they are entitled that rides your ass until they can get over just to cut you off.
Finally we come to my pet peeve when driving and that is NOT using your turn signals to turn. Seriously I will be waiting at a stop sign or light and the oncoming car looks as if they will continue straight ahead. Nope. They slow down and turn WITHOUT signaling. Seriously how lazy can you be? All it takes is to move your finger an inch away from the steering wheel to let others know your actions. If your so lazy that you cannot even do that then you must be lazy elsewhere too. That is so rude!

Driving now causes heart attacks. It raises your blood pressure like no other. We all despise those who drive and put others at risk. But lets face it, we all have made mistakes here and there when driving, I included. So take the time while driving listen to some music, talk to your kids. There is no rush to get to where you are going. Go at least the speed limit and ALWAYS use your turn signals, even if you are in a BMW or Mercedes. You guys in those cars are just regular people driving a car like me driving a Dodge Neon. Your cars are not anything special than my little Neon and they actually come with turn signals! So enjoy driving, be safe and respectable!

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